
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Wanting the impossible

It's not about love, it's not about envy, not even about hatred, it's all just about wanting one cannot have, the impossible. It attracts you to the dark side, to doing immoral things, who knows...

You find yourself today saying that you have everything you want, but still, you want more. You're curious why? First, because it's exciting, second because it's challenging, and third because, well, you don't have something and wouldn't be such a bad idea to have it. 

The impossible wants you to have it so badly, why refuse the opportunity, the fight of having it all, of reaching perfection? But we both know that there is no such thing as perfection. Want to seek for it? Be my guest, but do not say you were not warned that it's an interminable road with no destination. Has anyone achieved the perfect life? If so, I'd like to know that story.

Dreams... what are dreams for? They help you set goals, but after you achieved those, you will dream more. And those dreams are deceiving, they make you believe you have to fight for them, but if you do, you'll lose it all. Let me give you an example so you can understand better what I'm saying. Let's say you have a successful career. You're an architect, but you've discovered recently that writing is one of your hidden talents. You start writing novels and give up your current job. No one acclaims you for your work pieces because there are a lot of people who write books and the society doesn't need you on this domain. You've just lost your perfect job because of a new dream, new desire. You need to separate these categories of dreams. 

It's your choice in the end, your risk, but time and life do not forgive.

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